20 May

03-10-2003 – INVAP’s Nuclear Projects Manager, Juan José Gil Gerbino M.Sc., has been awarded this decade’s Konex Platinum Award : INVAP’s Nuclear Projects Manager, Juan José Gil Gerbino M.Sc., has been awarded this decade’s Konex Platinum Award. In Argentina, this is the accolade of accolades, awarded once every ten years for outstanding achievements in science and/or technology.

INVAP’s Nuclear Projects Manager, Juan José Gil Gerbino M.Sc., has been awarded this decade’s Konex Platinum Award. In Argentina, this is the accolade of accolades, awarded once every ten years for outstanding achievements in science and/or technology. Gil Gerbino shares this award with quite a small number of key local figures from the fields of science and technology, some of them Nobel laureates.

Gil Gerbino graduated in Physics from the University of Buenos Aires in 1971, later specializing in nucler reactor physics at the Argentine Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA.) His connection with INVAP dates from 1978, when the company was quite young, and he has been working since then in the design, construction, and start-up of experimental reactors.

For INVAP, that period marked the beginning of a slow and strenuous ascent – from local contractor to its present position of one of the very best known international designers and constructors of nuclear research reactors. This path leads from the RA-6 reactor in Bariloche (now in its 22nd year of troubleless operation) to the Replacement Research Reactor (RRR) in Australia, currently under construction and bound to be the world’s most sophisticated and complex reactor for years to come. Let us point put that Gil Gerbino was the project leader of both undertakings and of several ones that came in between.

Gil Gerbino was always there, as designer, trainer of teams of “reactor operators,” and implementer of new management tools. His contribution resulted in successful contracts and biddings, apart from the successful completion of every work awarded: the RP-0, and RP-10 reactors in Peru – as CNEA contractors -; the NUR reactor in Argelia, the ETRR-2 reactor in Egypt; and the mentioned RRR reactor in Australia; as well as the management of diverse and less widely-known projects, most of which are described in detail elsewhere in this website.

Gil Gerbino’s Platinum Konex Award honors 25 years of work that brought forth Egypt and Australia, the two largest exports of high technology in the history of Argentina.