20 May

10-11-2006 – Sydney Opal reactor at full power : On November 3rd, at 11:45 a.m. local time (9:45 p.m. of november 2nd, Argentine time) the OPAL reactor reached its full design power of 20 MW for the first time, operated by the Australian operating team.




On November 3rd, at 11:45 a.m. local time (9:45 p.m. of november 2nd, Argentine time) the OPAL reactor reached its full design power of 20 MW for the first time, operated by the Australian operating team.





This benchmark is essential for other tests at full power and for the adjustment of techniques for the production of radioisotopes and experimentation with neutron beams, previous to the commercial operation of the reactor. This first full power operation is a fundamental proof of the efficiency of our professionals and justifies the confidence of ANSTO in the capabilities of INVAP.
















The photograph shows the pool when the reactor achieved half its full power, evidenced by the emission of bluish “Cerenkov radiation”