20 May

15-07-2008 – FIRST EGYPTIAN NUCLEAR POWER PLANT: INVAP ASPIRES TO BE CONSULTING BODY. : Early this year, the Egyptian Nuclear Power Plant Authority made an international call for bids to contract consulting services for the construction of their first Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). Months later our company, in association with the Finnish firm Pöyry, is still in the race, competing with another six companies from different countries.

Early this year, the Egyptian Nuclear Power Plant Authority made an international call for bids to contract consulting services for the construction of their first Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). Months later our company, in association with the Finnish firm Pöyry, is still in the race, competing with another six companies from different countries. This proceeding began in February, 2008, when more than 20 international companies showed interest in participating in this bid.

If chosen in the final selection, INVAP will have to assist the Egyptian Authority in the siting of the NPP, the selection of the technology to be preferred, the development of the infrastructure, the Quality Assurance program, the preparation of the bidding documents and the final contract for the chosen turnkey project, personnel training, technology transfer to the NPP´s operators as well as help in financial issues

Our company has been doing business with Egypt for more than 20 years – ever since the beginning of the planning of the research and radioisotope production reactor ETRR-2, which we built near Cairo and which was inaugurated in 1998. At this time, we are completing the construction of a Radioisotope processing plant, to be inaugurated early next year.
