8 June

Today at 06:30 pm, in a ceremony headed by President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Argentinean Military Fabrications Agency (FM) – depending from the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investments and Services (MINPLAN)-  and INVAP signed and Agreement for the construction of the first series of six 3D Long Range Primary Radars (RP3DLA-S) for the Argentine Air Force (FAA).

The above mentioned provision, to be finished within the next 46 months, was settled down with the signature of a specific contract between the Argentine Air Force, represented by its Chief of Staff, Brigadier General Normando Costantino and INVAP S.E., represented by its CEO, Mr. Héctor Otheguy.

Besides, Mr. Otheguy and the under secretary of Water Resources, Mr. Fabián López signed a contract for the first stage of the Meteorological Radars National System (SINARAME), to be finished in 30 months.

This first contract for the construction of primary radars is based on the technical and operative requirements of the Ministry of Defense, as  Enforcement Authority of the National System of Airspace Surveillance and Control (SINVICA) established by Decree 1.407/2004 signed by former President Néstor Kirchner.

Within this framework, it is worth mentioning the successful execution of the contract signed in 2008 between Military Fabrications, and INVAP for the development and construction of the first Long Range 3D Primary Radar (RP3DLA-P), which is due for 2011.

INVAP SE has focused a great deal of its technical resources on the field of radar sensors, particularly the development and construction of monopulse secondary radars – eight of which are already installed and operating in different locations –  and 3D primary radars, according to Argentina’s needs.

This whole experience has arisen from the National State’s need of having an adequate control of its airspace, resorting to domestic scientific and technological skills, as is clearly stated in the 2004 Decree.  The aim is to offer greater safety in areas of its competence, adding meteoroloy as a key factor towards achieving this goal.

The decision of building this strategic equipement locally, saves money to the country and provides qualified work to Argentine professionals and technicians grouped in small and medium companies and in research and technical institutes, ensuring a continuous updating according to the technological innovations in the field..

Main features of the Long Range 3D Primary Radars built by INVAP:

  • Diseño y construcción con las últimas tecnologías.
  • Sus prestaciones cumplen con creces los requerimientos establecidos para este tipo de radares en el mundo.
  • Desarrollo propio de capacidades para operar bajo severas condiciones de interferencias naturales o provocadas (contra-contramedidas electrónicas).

Principales características del Sistema de Radares Meteorológicos (SINARAME):

  • Sensores meteorológicos distribuidos en todo el territorio nacional.
  • Distribución en tiempo real de la información obtenida en cada sitio.
  • Procesamiento en el Centro de Operaciones para su distribución a los organismos usuarios interesados.

Ver discurso de la Sra. Presidenta de la Nación, Dra. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner