14 May

The Sadosky Foundation and INVAP S.E. signed a collaboration agreement for the analysis of threats to the traceability systems. Through its Communication and Information Technologies (CIT) Security Program, the Sadosky Foundation will work on the identification of security problems and the development of proposals to mitigate risks.

The agreement was signed by the Argentine Minister of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, Lino Barañao, President of the Sadosky Foundation, and INVAP’s General Manager and CEO, Héctor Eduardo Otheguy.

In the context of the Project entitled “Technological Demonstrator for the Argentine Traceability System”, developed by the Río Negro’s provincial government-owned company as commissioned by the Argentine Ministry of Security, the consulting services of Sadosky Foundation were requested for the study and audit of the design and operation of the prototype. The goal is to use the results of the research as a basis for the security requirements set on later versions of the system’s production.

Juan Heguiabehere, Head of Sadosky’s CIT Security Program in charge of the project, explained the methodology to be implemented as follows: “In designing a system, software developers have an intuitive idea on how to safeguard the information processed by the system. However, the complexity of some of these systems renders intuition insufficient and requires the implementation of a systematic approach. Threats modeling consists of a set of techniques which allows us to study our system in terms of who and how could compromise its security, what can be done to mitigate that risk and how to do it with the most comprehensive approach.”

CIT Security will work on identifying potential attackers and capabilities, the confidence limits of the system, the security risks at those limits, and on the proposal of potential ways to mitigate the security risks found. The term of the project is one year and INVAP’s investment amounts to AR$ 750,000.

Speaking on the relevance of the agreement, the executive director of the Sadosky Foundation, Esteban Feuerstein, said that “this project covers many areas of interest. On the one hand, from the technical point of view, it is a major challenge involving, creating and providing knowledge on the security aspects of a new and innovative application. We also appreciate the opportunity of working with a state-of-the-art company which is an example of technological innovation in many areas. Finally, there is the fact that the Foundation will receive financial support from a technology company, thus broadening the funding base as regards the Ministry of Science fundamental contribution.”

Sadosky Foundation

Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation