24 May

The Industry and Technology Division (DIT, in Spanish) of the Argentine Physics Association (AFA, in Spanish) announces that the call for an “Award for Innovative Industry-Oriented Technological Development,” aimed at recognizing outstanding and innovative work in technological research and/or development, is already open.

Several companies and organizations contribute to this prize, whose objective is to reward works involving physics carried out in the country that will provide effective solutions to industry (especially local industry) problems. The first prize consists of a special certificate and financial support to be freely used by the winner, who should present his/her project at the 2018 National Meeting on Physics, at which the prize will be given.

Documentation can be sent until July 15, 2018, 12 a.m. to secretaria@fisica.org.ar

Find the terms and conditions at: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1j9XEi2ys7evr73AqDB3rnUYuly4P4EDd

+ INFO: Argentine Physics Association (AFA, in Spanish)  – AFA Divisions