29 October

On October 25, an agreement was signed to jointly finance doctoral and postdoctoral scholarships between the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET, in Spanish) and INVAP S.E., at the headquarters of the province of Río Negro company in San Carlos de Bariloche. 

It was signed by the President of the CONICET, Dr. Alejandro Ceccatto, and the President of INVAP, Lic. Héctor Otheguy, with the presence of the Director of the CONICET of the North Patagonia Scientific and Technical Center, Dr. Victor Cussac; and on behalf of INVAP, its General Manager, Dr. Vicente Campenni; its Deputy General Manager, Engineer Marcelo Basigalup; and its Director, Dr. Pablo Tognetti; among other authorities. 

The objective of the agreement is to jointly work for the postdoctoral human resources training, which will benefit both organizations and encourage the development of knowledge. In this way, with the aim of achieving their main common goals, both organizations agree to jointly award doctoral and postdoctoral scholarships.