28 August

On August 25, a contract was signed at the Scientific and Technological Center (Polo Científico Tecnológico, in Spanish) between the National Agency for Science and Technology Promotion (ANPCyT, in Spanish) and the public-private consortium (CAPP, in Spanish) made up of the National Meteorological Service (SMN, in Spanish), the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET, in Spanish) and INVAP-FRONTEC (FRICS), with the aim of developing an early warning system for environmental disasters.

The project, whose total cost has been estimated in $77.318.498, was submitted in the context of the call for proposals entitled “Sectoral Fund of Information Technology and Telecommunication – Early Warning System for Environmental Disasters”, carried out by the Argentine Sectoral Fund (FONARSEC, in Spanish), who will contribute $59.999.997. The contract commits to earmark another $17.318.501 to the initiative.

To carry out the project, the CAPP will operate a high-capacity Operational Data Center at the SMN and will install a new system for data assimilation and high-resolution numerical assembly forecast. In turn, FRONTEC will be in charge of implementing a monitoring and warning system for the early detection of atmospheric events of high impact in social and productive terms.

+ INFO: 
National Agency for Science and Technology Promotion