8 November

As of today’s morning, a series of conferences that form part of the Spring 2010 Meeting , started at the Headquarters of the National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI).  The purpose of this Meeting is to provide a space to all INTI staff to present projects related to the Institute’s Strategic Plan, that support and contribute to its objectives and initiatives.

During the Meeting’s Opening Session a panel called “Knowledge as a production factor” took place, with the participation of the Secretary of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry, Dr. Ruth Ladenheim,  INTI’s President, Ing. Enrique M. Martínez, and INVAP’s CEO, Lic. Héctor Otheguy.

INVAP’s CEO stressed the present favourable context for the development of technologic and scientific advances in Argentina, pointing out that “a country’s development is a key element in competitiveness and is the result of the joint efforts of the Public and the private sectors”.

On its part, Dr. Ladenheim stressed the importance of knowledge as a driving force of productive and social development in the country, and as an example, she mentioned the creation of the National Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation with the clear purpose of articulating the country’s production of knowdlege and its social and economic development.

Along the whole week several conferences and meetings will take place, all related to INTI´s projects and technological innovation subjects, such as renewable energies, waste management and treatment, food, health technologies, metrology,  productive occupation of the territory and INTI’s contributions to consumers, among others.

Further information: http://www.inti.gob.ar/encuentros_10/