15 August

A meeting called “Science and Technology for a New Economic Model” took place last Friday, August 12th, in the framework of a series of debates on the subject “Economy and Politics” held at the House of the National Bicentennial and organized by the State Secretary of Culture.

The panel discussion, moderated by scientific journalist Alejandra Folgarait, gathered Mr. Lino Barañao, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovative Production, Mr. Alberto Kornblihtt, researcher at the CONICET and Head of the the Physiology, Molecular and Cell Biology Department at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and Mr. Héctor Otheguy, General Manager and CEO of INVAP SE.

During the meeting, Minister Barañao pointed out that, though the economy may be “based on knowledge” it is mandatory to prepare new generations of scientists.  The current reality shown in Tecnópolis may otherwise become an illusion. 

In turn, Kornblihtt highlighted the public policies carried out by President Néstor Kirchner and later on by President Cristina Fernández: “these policies created a new paradigm and Science and Technology became part of the official discourse.”

Mr. Otheguy stressed all the achievements in the field, and pointed out that “the State uses its buying power in a strategic way, and this is part of a State Policy in Science and Technology”.  “I’ve seen our President, in every international tour I had the chance to travel with her, truly thrilled by thigs made in Argentina, such as the NUR reactor designed and built by INVAP in Algeria.”

