22 October

INVAP affirmed that the contract with the state company ARSAT to implement Terrestrial Digital Television was duly signed in accordance with the current regulations and controls, thus refuting information published by the newspaper Clarin


“In response to the article appeared on Sunday, October 21st in Clarin, under the title “AR-SAT, a state company that makes millionaire business without control”, in which the contract with INVAP is described as an outsourcing intended to make purchases on behalf of AR-SAT with a lower degree of control; INVAP emphatically denies this information, considering it deceitful and biased”.

Through a statement, INVAP considered that the above mentioned article “seeks only to attack the project of democratization of communications through Digital Terrestrial Television, carried out by the National Government “.

In that sense, INVAP reminded that “since e the Argentine President called INVAP to participate in the Project of democratization of the Access to telecommunications through Digital Terrestrial Television, the company has committed itself to the project, as it does with every single development, with the maximum professional competence and administrative transparency.”

The statement highlights that INVAP is part of an unprecedented national science and technology policy, which positions our country, together with the USA and Canada, as the only American nations capable of designing and building communication satellites. “.

“As digital television concerns, Argentina has chosen an advanced Brazilian-Japanese system, that has also been the choice of Brazil and other South American countries, and which makes it possible to integrate equipment, programs and contents”.

It also remarked that “INVAP adheres to the connectivity policy that allows the complete integration of the population, without class distinctions. Better access to information and education to all people. This can only be achieved by the State when the Government carries out a global policy, executed by the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investments and Services”.

Due to its experience in the space and radar fields, INVAP “has developed a valuable technology for the direction and execution of complex projects. This is the reason why ARSAT entrusted the company to design, and build a platform formed by the systems designed for transmission and reception of digitalized signals.”

“It was a direct contract celebrated in the framework of Decree Nr. 1023, since INVAP is a State-owned company, controlled by the Province of Rio Negro. The company is audited by the province as ARSAT is controlled by the National State”.

The parties have foreseen the participation of the Science and Technology National System, as well as of the local business, in order to promote the spreading of technology and the independence from foreign technologies “.

As regards outsourcing, INVAP explained that “the company acted appropriately according to the internal regulations and taking into account the best options in terms of quantity, quality and delivery of supplies.”

The statement ends by stressing that “all actions in the framework of the agreements between ARSAT and INVAP have been taken in accordance with the current regulations and are audited by the corresponding agencies: ARSAT by SIGEN and AGN (Federal Controlling Office) and INVAP by the Auditing Agency of the Province of Rio Negro “.

