16 September

On September 11, Lic. Héctor Otheguy, General Manager & CEO of INVAP (Applied Research Company), participated in the V Annual Conference of the Economy Association for the Development of Argentina (AEDA, in Spanish). He talked about: “New and old restrictions on development: political economy contributions to overcome them.” Otheguy’s lecture was part of the section about Public Enterprises and their Development of the Conference.

The purpose of the conference was to reflect on restrictions and dilemmas faced by a social and economic development program. Apart from Lic. Otheguy, other executives participating in this section included: the Secretary of Science, Technology and Production for the Defense, Santiago Rodríguez; the Deputy Secretary of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation Policies, and President of AEDA, Fernando Peirano; and the Director of the Managing Company of the Wholesale Electrical Market (Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico S.A., CAMMESA) and Vice President of AEDA, Paula Español. 

Economy Association for the Development of Argentina
General Direction of Military Industry