6 May

On April 6, INVAP signed a cooperation agreement with the Balseiro Institute (IB, in Spanish) and the IB Foundation to support the IB scholarship program for secondary education in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Since 2002, the Balseiro Institute has been annually organizing a national contest of monographs on a specific theme. Fifteen scholarships for students and two scholarships for teachers, from different provinces of Argentina, are awarded as the prize, which involves a stay at the facilities of the Balseiro Institute and the Bariloche Atomic Center during a week. The scholarships include transportation and full board accommodation. During their stay, students and teachers will carry out experiments, visit laboratories and attend seminars.

The main goal is to bring closer together the scientific activities in which the Balseiro Institute and the Bariloche Atomic Center are engaged and the young generation, particularly, students about to be graduated from secondary school. Another goal is to encourage critical reflections on different aspects of science and technology.

Likewise, the scholarship contest helps students and teachers to get involved in debates closely related to the education, science and technology, so that students may consider with greater enthusiasm the possibility of taking a scientific or technical academic course of studies.

Balseiro Institute