25 October

Last October 24, the Chairman of the National Agency for the Promotion of science and technology, Dr. Armando Bertranou, signed the agreements to finance two public-private partnerships, in the framework of open calls of the FSTICs 2010 (Information Technology Funds) and FSNano 2010 (Nanotechnology Funds).

The ONDAS Program was approved as part of the first call, a project that will receive 17 million ARS for the development of a technology platform for signal modeling and simulation, systems and information processing. This platform will allow the evaluation of seismic elastic waves transmission and reflection parameters for oil exploration, sound waves for sonar equipment and electromagnetic waves for radar equipment.

INVAP integrates a consortium together with the following companies and institutions: YPF S.A.; Sim&Tec S.A.; Centro de Estudiantes de Geofísica y Astronomía at Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Geophysics and Astronomy); Instituto Geofísico y sismológico Ing. Volponi at Universidad Nacional de San Juan (Geophysics and Seisms); Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Faculty of Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics); Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (Faculty of Engineering) and Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET).

The second call, FSNano-2010, will allocate more than 13 million ARS for the development of modified nanoclays and innovative products derived from national clays.


Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica

Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva