17 October

From October 14 to October 16, the First International Conference on Social Responsibility (SR) was carried out in Ciudad Evita, Buenos Aires Province. INVAP (Applied Research Company) sponsored the event and took part as panelist. Some of the outstanding lecturers that also participated were Brazil´s former president, Mr. Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva; Spain´s former president, Felipe González Márquez; the Amartya Sen 1998 Nobel Prize winner, who was the main speaker in this Conference; and Dr. Bernardo Kiliksberg, who acted as its Academic President.

The meeting, focused on updating and discussing some relevant SR issues, provided a very favorable opportunity to exchange experiences and approaches, new learning acquired, researches, tools, case reports and practices by different private and public organizations. National and international lecturers expounded about developments and progress achieved in this area.

Lic. Héctor Otheguy, General Manager & CEO of INVAP, talked about education, science and technology, in a panel with Dr. Juan Carlos Del Bello, Director of the National University of Río Negro; Lic. Andrea Bergmaschi, Project Manager of the Fundación Todos por la Educación de Brasil (Everybody for Brazilian Education Foundation); Dr. Adriana Puiggrós, National Deputy; Lic. Javier Firpo, Director of the Intel programs on Education & Business Social Responsibility (RSE, in Spanish) for Latin America, and Dr. Marcelo Fernández, Director of Santander Universities in Argentina. The Secretary-General of the Federal Council of Science and Technology, Mr. Hugo De Vido, acted as moderator.

Lic. Otheguy drew attention to the experience INVAP has in SR, since from its beginning the company engaged in many of the activities carried out in this field, especially those concerning an inclusive working environment, a considerate and respectful attitude towards employees and the establishment of a good relation with the community, among others. He emphasized that all this has been possible due to a fluid cooperation with the National System of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation; and added that “today, science, technology and education have in Argentina the place they deserve.”

The Conference included an Expo Fair, the first one of its kind held in Latin America. Apart from the stands where Social Responsibility programs were presented by organizations from all over the country (private companies, civil society institutions, labor unions, cooperatives, universities and governmental agencies), the SR Expo Fair offered an ideal opportunity to share and enjoy different experiences through which social responsibility can be better known and promoted in our country.


Internacional Conference on Social Responsibility