28 October

From October 22 to 24, the VIII Latin American Conference on Agile Methodologies was held in Montevideo, Uruguay. It brought together the most important Latin American leading representatives in the field with the aim of promoting the exchange of experiences related to the implementation of the Agile software development within the organizations.

The event involved 49 lectures delivered by well-known Agile people and professionals from 11 countries, and included the participation of Lic. Héctor Otheguy, General Manager & CEO of INVAP S.E. (Argentine state-owned applied research company). The conference concluded with a full day session in Open Space format which allowed to deal with the issues that participants were most interested in.

The Agile approach involves values, principles, methods, techniques and practices whose objective is to improve the teamwork, the communication, the quality and the adaptability to changing contexts, trying to reduce mistakes and enable the rapid realization of delivering business value.
