12 February

On February 10 2017,  a shareholders’ Regular General Meeting took place at INVAP S.E.’s headquarters in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche. 

The Governor of the Province of Río Negro, Mr. Alberto Weretilneck, was present together with Lic. Osvaldo Calzetta Larrieu, President of the Argentine National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA, in Spanish);  Mr. Horacio Osuna, President of the Board of Directors of INVAP;  Lic. Hugo Albani, Vice President of the company; its directors, Lic. Pablo Tognetti, Engineer Guillermo Gesualdo and Engineer Christian Tisot; and the permanent Trustees, Dr. Aurelia Schepis and Certified Public Accountant Javier Vermeulen. The meeting was also attended by  the General Manager & and CEO of INVAP, Lic. Héctor E. Otheguy; the Deputy General Managers, Dr. Vicente Campenni and Engineer Juan Pablo Ordoñez; and the Administration and Finance Manager,  Lic. Carlos Montenegro.

The appointment of the two permanent directors on behalf of the CNEA, Lic. Osvaldo Calzetta Larrieu and Lic. Facundo Abel Deluchi, was approved during the meeting. Both would take the place of Lic. Norma Boero and Engineer Susana Gómez de Soler, who resigned for personal reasons. In the same event, the new permanent directors took their positions, whose mandates would run until the Annual Meeting over the Financial Statements corresponding to the fiscal year up to June 30 2018. 
Finally, the management of the outgoing directors was also approved and both were praised for their positive professional and personal attitudes.
 The Board’s mission is to establish the general policy of the company as well as its business lines, approve the investment plan and evaluate the management’s performance.

The new Board of Directors is as follows:

Mr. Horacio Augusto Osuna

Lic. Hugo Albani

Lic. Osvaldo Calzetta Larrieu 
Lic. Facundo Abel Deluchi
Engineer Guillermo Manuel Gesualdo
Dr. Néstor Pablo Tognetti
Engineer Christian Tisot

Deputy Directors:
Dr. Claudio Solari
Engineer Guillermo Padín Zabal
Engineer Juan Ignacio Apanasionek
Engineer Guillermo Gastaldi

Certified Public Accountant Javier Augusto Vermeulen
Dr. Aurelia Patricia Schepis
Dr. Américo Alberto Antoniotti

Deputy Trustees:
Dr. Sebastián Arrondo
Certified Public Accountant Natalia Marisa Vega Soto
Accountant Fabián Becerra