29 October

On October 29 2019, the 44th shareholders’ Regular General Meeting took place at INVAP S.E.’s headquarters in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche. 

The Governor of the Province of Río Negro, Mr. Alberto Weretilneck, was present together with Lic. Osvaldo Calzetta Larrieu, President of the Argentine National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA, in Spanish), Lic. Héctor Otheguy, President of INVAP’s Board of Directors, Lic. Hugo Albani, Vice President of the company; its directors, Lic. Pablo Tognetti, Engineer Hugo Brendstrup, Engineer Christian Tisot and Dr. Alberto Lamagna, the Trustees Dr. Aurelia Schepis and Certified Public
Accountant Carlos Gardella. The meeting was also attended by the General Manager of INVAP, Dr. Vicente Campenni, together with the Deputy Managers Engineer Marcelo Basigalup and Lic. Carlos Montenegro. It is worth noting that the Minister of Economy of the Province of Río Negro, Accountant Agustín Domingo and the elected Governor of the province, Lic. Arabela Carreras, were also present.

In the meeting, due to mandate expiration, the appointment of the new Permanent Director on behalf of the staff was approved; thus, Technician Luis Billinger Mancioli was appointed replacing Engineer Christian Tisot. Thereupon, the management of the Board of Directors and of the Supervisory Committee for the fiscal year was also unanimously approved.

The Board of Directors has the aim to define the business lines, approve the investment plan and evaluate the management’s performance.

The new Board of Directors is as follows:

Lic. Héctor Otheguy.

Vice Chairman:
Lic. Hugo Albani

Dr. Alberto Lamagna
Lic. Facundo Abel Deluchi
Dr. Néstor Pablo Tognetti
Engineer Hugo Brendstrup
Technician Luis E. Billinger Mancioli

Deputy Directors:
Dr. Claudio Solari
Engineer Guillermo Padín Zabal
Engineer Christian Tisot 
Dr. Silvia Lucila Molina

Accountant Carlos Alfredo Gardella 
Dr. Aurelia Patricia Schepis
Dr. Américo Alberto Antoniotti

Deputy Trustees:
Dr. Sebastián Arrondo
Certified Public Accountant Natalia Marisa Vega Soto
Accountant Fabián Becerra