24 March

On March 20 2017, Lic. Julián Gadano, Deputy Secretary of Nuclear Energy of the Secretary of Electric Energy dependent on the Ministry of Energy and Mining, and Dr. Matías García Oliver, ‎Deputy Secretary of Institutional Affairs of the Secretary of Strategic Affairs dependent on the ‎Chief of Cabinet of Ministers of the Presidency of Argentina, visited the headquarters of INVAP in San Carlos de Bariloche. They were accompanied by Lic. Juan José Gil Gerbino.

At INVAP, they were welcomed by Lic. Héctor Otheguy, General Manager & CEO of INVAP; Lic. Facundo Deluchi, Director; Dr. Vicente Campenni and Engineer Juan Pablo Ordoñez, General Deputy Managers; Engineer Gabriel Absi, Space Area Manager; and Marcelo Basigalup, Government Projects Manager. 

During the guided visit to the company’s headquarters, the delegation was briefed about INVAP’s most important achievements throughout its 40-year trajectory and about its development areas as regards the following fields: nuclear, space, government, industrial, alternative energies, information and communications technology (TICs, in Spanish) and technological services. 

They could also visit the Satellite Integration Building, or clean-room, where they could observe the SAOCOM 1A and 1B satellites in their different assembling stages. These earth observation satellites built in the context of the Argentine National Space Program of the Argentine National Space Activities Commission (CONAE, in Spanish) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI, in Italian) are aimed to prevent, monitor, mitigate, assess natural and anthropogenic disasters, and measure soil moisture values to be used in emergencies. Besides, they toured INVAP Conventional Integration Building, where several models of radars and other pieces of equipment belonging to the government projects area are assembled.