23 September

Organized by the Argentine members of the Mercosur Parliament, the first Foro del Corredor Bioceánico de la Patagonia (Forum of the Patagonian Interoceanic Corridor) was held in San Carlos de Bariloche.  After discussing in the meeting the industrial and technological poles of the region, the members of the Parliament toured the headquarters of INVAP S.E. (an Argentine state-owned Applied Research Company). 

Guided by some executives and members of INVAP’s staff, the parliamentarians visited several facilities of INVAP. The aim of the tour was to brief them on the business guidelines followed by the company nowadays, especially in the two most important development areas: firstly, the scientific applications satellites (SAC, in Spanish) and the Argentine telecommunication satellites (ARSAT, in Spanish); secondly, progress made in the primary, secondary and meteorological radars field.

When the tour ended, the President of the Board of Directors of INVAP, Mr. Horacio Osuna, together with its Vice President, engineer Carlos Ochoa, and its General Manager & CEO, Lic. Héctor Otheguy, gave a talk to inform about the current work and situation of the company, and thanked the participants for their interest. “Fortunately, the company is working a lot, it is improving year after year, and orders coming from all over the world have increased considerably,” added Otheguy.

The President of the Forum of the Patagonian Interoceanic Corridor, Tania Lastra, thanked on behalf of all the participants the possibility of visiting the facilities, and said she felt proud that a Río Negro province company like INVAP was being an example for many other enterprises in the country.

Bariloche 2000 Newspaper