3 September

On September 2, the Director-Representative of the Andean Development Corporation (CAF, in Spanish), Lic. Rubén Ramírez , together with national authorities from the office of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, the National Department of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services (MINPLAN, in Spanish), and the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance visited the headquarters of INVAP (Applied Research Company). The National Deputy Lic. Silvina García Larraburu also joined the tour.

The visit to INVAP’s facilities was organized in the context of the program “Argentine Satellital Geostationary System for Telecommunications,” which is carried out by the Argentine Company for Satellite Solutions (AR-SAT S.A.) and partially financed by CAF. INVAP is in charge of building the communication satellites.

Apart from Lic. Ramírez, two other members of CAF were present during the tour: Jorge Forgues and Leandro Cusnir. Other visitors included Christian Asinelli, Deputy Secretary of Evaluation of Projects with External Financing, and the advisor Leandro Gorgal on the part of the office of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers; Gabriel Bernazza and Margarita Aicardi, Coordinator of the National Administration for Projects with International Credit Organizations, on the part of MINPLAN; and Gustavo Varela, Finance Deputy Manager and Loan Executive, Gerónimo Ronco and Gabriela Bernazza, on the part of CAF.