27 June

Specialists of the Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (BRIT), dependent on the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) of the Indian Republic, took part together with INVAP in the Critical Design Review (CDR) of the LEU-Based Mo-99 Production Facility that INVAP has designed and is now building in Mumbai.

The CDR was supervised by Dr. Arun Dey, technical representative of BRIT, and Eng. Arnoldo Alaniz, Project Manager on behalf of INVAP.

From March 28 to 30, INVAP and BRIT reviewed the engineering documentation prepared by INVAP, including several aspects related to the design basis and the scope of supply. Rate of progress and compatibility with the civil engineering works under the responsibility of BRIT, which have already been largely performed, were also checked.

INVAP plans to begin the in situ assemblage around mid-2017.