Ethics and Integrity
Code of Ethics
INVAP's Ethics line
is open
If you are concerned about a situation that may be compromising our Ethics or if you are aware of any behavior that is contrary to our Code of Ethics, please report it.
INVAP has implemented channels of communication and guarantees for those who report inappropriate behavior. You will be protected, and it will be confidential. We will investigate and action will be taken.
For more information:
Web: (sign in with your name or remain anonymous)
Phone: 0800-345-INVAP (46827)
Mailing address: Maipú 942 Planta Baja, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Personal interview: Rondeau 2664 Planta Baja, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Code of Ethics for suppliers
In line with this commitment assumed by INVAP and as a result of these documents, it laid down this Code of Ethics for companies, organizations, institutions and people that provide goods and/or services to the company. It is aimed at regulating some minimal standards of conduct regarding ethics and integrity in the relations between INVAP and its supply chain.
The genre perspective in our organization
Aspects related to equal rights and genre perspective in society are growing in importance both at the national and international level.
INVAP is willing to accompany this process in the context of our institution. We understand that equal rights between men and women generate a fair environment that must be promoted. It implies the use of the potential of the staff as a whole, favoring the improvement of our competitiveness as a company.
The genre agenda started to take shape at INVAP a few years ago, and in 2018 a working space was formalized and systematized through the creation of the Gender Roundtable, in order to have a deep discussion of these issues and implement measures reaffirming the company’s commitment to equal women’s and men’s rights and opportunities. The Roundtable includes representatives of the Genre Subcommittee of the Bondholders Association (ATB, in Spanish; an association of INVAP’s staff), the Personnel and Organization Management and the General Management.
Thanks to this tool for dialog and to the work of the Gender Roundtable’s members, an important agenda of events and activities has been carried out in the last two years. It has included the creation of an Action Protocol, framed in INVAP’s Code of Ethics and Integrity Program, in cases of discrimination, harassment and violence due to genre; the extension of benefits regarding maternity and paternity leaves and feeding/breastfeeding time for male and female workers, with the aim of promoting parental co-responsibility; and more recently, in 2020, a training process in genre perspective was started under the direction of a team of professionals who will train the entire staff through workshops, roundtables, analysis and follow-up of cases. In a first stage, training is being done on hierarchical positions so as to later address the organization at large.
As a result of the work developed during these years, in November 2020 INVAP officially adhered to the UN Women program “Win-Win: Gender Equality Means Good Business”. The general purpose of the program is to contribute to gender equality, leadership and economic empowerment of women acknowledging their active role in growth and development, as well as to promote the commitment of the private sector, companies and employers’ organizations.
In the context of this program and with the advice of UN Women, an analysis and diagnosis of INVAP’s situation was made. This enabled the development of a plan of action, implementation, evaluation and report, establishing strategies, goals, indicators and an associated schedule. The initiative suggests to make a new analysis and diagnosis within a year to assess the progress made and promote the achievement of new objectives.
Actions carried out by the organization in the last years show the company’s constant pursuit of tools and proposals that promote and guarantee gender equality at all levels, the creation of an environment free from violence and harassment, and the potential professional development of each person that is part of INVAP.
As with any cultural change, the challenge is great and there is still a long way to go. Consequently, we continue to reaffirm day after day this process of transformation through the creation of areas of reflection and also generating effective actions.