7 May

The Operational Prototype of the Argentine Meteorological Radar (RMA, in Spanish), the first out of ten radars designed and manufactured in Argentina that will be part of the National System of Meteorological Radars (SINARAME, in Spanish), has been installed at the National University of Córdoba.

Its main applications includes the production of weather forecasts in the medium and the short term (nowcasting); prevision and monitoring of environmental eventualities such as hail, torrential rain and severe storms, among others; the supply of basic data for technology, scientific and atmospheric physics research, and navigation and aerial navigation safety.

In June 2011, the Presidency of Argentina announced the launching of the National System of Meteorological Radars (SINARAME) in the context of the government support to the national scientific and technological development. The National Department of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services entrusted the National Undersecretary Office of Water Resources to coordinate and supervise this ambitious project. Wholly developed in Argentina, the project involved the collaboration of several national and provincial organizations.

Thus, the development, manufacture and implementation of the SINARAME, operated by the National Meteorological Service (SMN, in Spanish), is entrusted to INVAP S.E. (Argentine state-owned applied research company) with the aim of establishing a national network of meteorological radars provided with a centralized real-time information system. The system comprises 10 radars, 1 prototype and the Operation Center, which together with the radars provided by the company and the radars already installed throughout the country, will make up the National System of Meteorological Radars.

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