23 August

On August 9, the National Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta, visited INVAP’s headquarters in San Carlos de Bariloche. On this occasion, the signing of an agreement was carried out to implement the “Igualar” Program in the technology company of the Province of Río Negro.

The Minister Gómez Alcorta was accompanied by the Secretary of Policies against Gender-Based Violence, Josefina Kelly Neila; the Chief of Cabinet, Lara González Carvajal; the Undersecretary of Training, Research and Cultural Policies for Equality, Diana Broggi; the Undersecretary of Equality Policies, Pilar Escalante; and the Head of the “Igualar” Program, Rocío Lafuente. The meeting was also attended by the Secretary of Coordination of Public Policies with a Gender Perspective of the Province of Río Negro, Luz María Val Heredia; the Coordinator of the Northen Patagonia Region of the National Ministry of the Interior, Ana Marks; and the National Senator, Silvina García Larraburu.

At INVAP, the authorities were received by the General Manager, Vicente Campenni; the Deputy General Manager, Marcelo Basigalup; the President of INVAP Foundation, Verónica Garea; the Head of the Diversity and Inclusion Area, Natalia Silfeni; and the Head of the Software Department and member of the Gender Subcommittee, Celeste Musso; among other management members.

During the tour around the company, the delegation visited the Engineering, Satellite and Conventional Integration buildings and was briefed about INVAP’s most important achievements during more than 40-year trajectory and about its development areas in fields such as nuclear, space, defense, security and environment, medical systems, and technological services.

Then, details were given related to the experience in gender agenda and the progress made over the last years within INVAP, such as the extension of maternity and breastfeeding leaves, the implementation of gender training and the opening of a Diversity Area and a care center to promote gender equality and a greater co-responsibility.

Finally, the agreement for the implementation of the “Igualar” Program in INVAP was signed. The aim of this program is to reduce the gender gaps and structural segregations that are present in the world of work, employment and production with an intersectional and human rights perspective.

After the official visit, the Undersecretary of Equality Policies, Pilar Escalante, and the Head of the “Igualar” Program, Rocío Lafuente, together with the “Igualar” Program team, delivered a virtual workshop on gender equality and diversity to the company’s staff.