5 May

Last April 28, the Secretary of the Department of Planning and Policies dependent on the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCYT, in Spanish), Dr. Ruth Ladenheim, visited the headquarters of INVAP (applied research company), in San Carlos de Bariloche, in the context of the presentation of the National Plan of Science, Technology and Innovation: “Argentina Innovadora 2020″ (Innovative Argentina 2020).

Dr. Ladenheim, accompanied by the Under Secretary of Science, Technology and Development for the Province of Río Negro’s Production, Lic. Daniel Quattrini and together with a delegation of the MINCYT, was welcomed by Lic. Héctor Otheguy, General Manager & CEO of INVAP.

On April 29, after touring the facilities of the technology company, in the city of Bariloche, Dr. Ladenheim officially presented the National Plan of Science, Technology and Innovation: Argentina Innovadora 2020″. The official event –attended by provincial and local government authorities– was presided over by the Governor of the Province of Río Negro, Alberto Weretilneck, the Ministry of Economy of the province, Accountant Alejandro Palmieri, the Under Secretary, Quattrini, and the Mayor of San Carlos de Bariloche, María Eugenia Martini.

The Plan “Argentina Innovadora 2020” makes a major contribution to the current management and is the result of a series of actions –taken by the Ministry since its creation in 2007– that continues to encourage the growth and consolidation of areas and sectors considered strategic. By means of this Ministry, productive and inclusive innovation is fostered on the basis of expansion, progress and strengthening of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation, thus allowing the enhancement of the economic competitiveness and quality of people’s life in a context of sustainable development. It is important to highlight that in 2012 the research and development investment in the Province of Río Negro amounted to 714,000,000 Argentine pesos.

The Secretary, Dr. Ladenheim, said that: “Río Negro is the second province of Argentina with the highest growth rate as regards investment and resources for research and development. And this is in line with the key points of the Plan, which are aimed at encouraging companies to conceive innovative projects with greater technological intensity and create more skilled jobs.”

Secretary of Public Communication – Presidency of Argentina
Government of the Province of Río Negro