13 March

On March 3, the President of the Argentine Nation, Engineer Mauricio Macri, presided over the formal inauguration of FRONTEC S.A. held at INVAP’s headquarters in San Carlos de Bariloche.

The President was accompanied by the Governor of the Province of Río Negro, Mr. Alberto Weretilneck; the Minister of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, Dr. Lino Barañao; the Minister of Energy and Mining, Engineer Juan José Aranguren; the Minister of the Interior, Lic. Rogelio Frigerio; and the Secretary of Technology and Production of the Ministry of Defense, Architect Héctor Lostri. Visitors were welcomed by Mr. Horacio Osuna, President of the Board of Directors of INVAP and President of FRONTEC; Engineer Gustavo Grobocopatel, Vice-President of FRONTEC; Engineer Guillermo Salvatierra General Manager & CEO of FRONTEC; and Lic. Héctor Otheguy, General Manager & CEO of INVAP.

On behalf of INVAP, the event was also attended by Lic. Hugo Albani, Vice-President of the Board of Directors; Dr. Pablo Tognetti, Director; Engineer Gabriel Absi, Personnel Director; Dr. Vicente Campenni, Deputy General Manager; and Engineer Juan Pablo Ordoñez, Deputy General Manager.

First, the presidential delegation visited the Satellite Integration Building. During the tour, the President received information on INVAP’s current projects related to the nuclear, satellite and defense fields. Particularly, in the Clean Room for satellite integration, the President could observe the works carried out on the SAOCOM series satellites developed by INVAP for the Argentine National Space Activities Commission (CONAE, in Spanish). He also attended to a technological demo of an unmanned air vehicle belonging to the SARA project developed by INVAP for the Ministry of Defense, and visited the satellite test facilities jointly created by INVAP and ARSAT after their association. Then, Mr. Macri toured the FRONTEC Expo, where he was welcomed by the Board of Directors of the newly born company.

After visiting the facilities, the inauguration ceremony of FRONTEC took place. It included speeches delivered by Mr. Alberto Weretilneck, Governor of the Province of Río Negro; Engineer Gustavo Grobocopatel, Vice-President of FRONTEC; and President Mauricio Macri, who said: “It is a very special day, becouse coming here is to be in touch with something very important for the community, something vital, that is the passion for what one does.”

Once the presidential tour was over, Engineer Salvatierra, General Manager of FRONTEC, made the presentation of the new institution to the guests of the event, who later visited INVAP facilities. FRONTEC is the result of an agreement between Los Grobo Group, an emblematic company of the agricultural production and trading, and INVAP S.E., a leading company in technological development, reached in 2015, with the aim of providing information services to third parties concerning aerospace, communication and agricultural technology. It will also deal with environmental issues through innovative and sustainable solutions to the complete value chain in the light of the new challenges to food production. Both companies have equal participation, so decisions are taken by consensus.

With this information platform, producers will get relevant information about their field 24-hours a day from any place whatsoever through their PC, notebook or mobile device. The most accurate data will be available in real time for decision-making, planning, operative management and crop monitoring.

Los Grobo Group