18 August

As from today, several centers will be established for the reception of non-perishable food items, gloves, footwear and work clothes for the Bariloche’s Recyclers Association (ARB).  Those eager to collaborate may approach any of the city’s Volunteer Firefighters Headquarters,  INVAP’s Arrayan Building (Elflein 1211), from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm or INVAP’s Bondholders Association offices (John O’Connor 130 – 1st floor), from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

At present, the Bariloche’s Recyclers Association (ARB) is going through a deep crisis and needs help from the community. ARB’s web page contains detailed information on the different ways to sponsor the project, as well as all the places that receive donations.

Last week, INVAP sent a payloader to collaborate with the Association’s work.  It was possible to observe the problems that volcanic ash and snow cause to waste collection and recycling in a land disposal site. Snow, rain and ashes form a mud that ruins most of the useful materials. Besides, the Association is also undergoing structural problems, which dramatically reduce the income of 60 families that rely on this job source.

With our help, ARB will be able to overcome this difficult moment.

+ info at ARB